We're all family

A dive into my mental space.

Blog Entry #16

Date Posted: 02/06/2023 08:18

Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?

Ugk, back again. Time to rewrite this entire website. I need to go back to studying HTML/CSS and pick up my classes again.

I've been unmotivated, my heart flutters in broken rhythm, stressed out and vaping, it helps, a little.
On the upsides, I've been doing some "community" work, bringing people together and trying to do some more learning and creating things again. I still fear though, a lot of things. Unease.

For now I'll focus on other objectives and goals, no more core active. Just "us" headmates I have, on the upsides they're more active and "helpful" but happy I took his advice, gee, aww geez. No- don't. Anyways.

Hello anon. How're you doing?
Are you enjoying yourself there?
Do you think this is all Role-Play?
Do you believe in monsters? Demons?
Do you care to talk? Can you talk?
Do you play games? What shows do you watch?
Where do you live? ASL? ASL? ASL? ASL? ASL?

Is this my blood or yours?

Blog Entry #15

Date Posted: 02/02/2023 22:04

Maybe I was wrong

Maybe I was wrong, I never meant to harm anyone.


I feel everything's starting to melt, the form is starting to come undone. The web is starting to untangle, I'm not going to like, hurt myself, anybody or anything.

Though I've found my comfort in things, everyone has a comfort game or hobby. I know I probably don't deserve any of the bad things that happen to me but... What can I say? I'm not really in control I suppose.

Whatever happens to me, my sanity or any of you, I'm glad I was able to share it all with you, thank you so very much for the funny, loving, depressing and amazing time together. I hope I meet you all again, I'M NOT GOING TO HURT MYSELF, OTHERS OR ANYTHING.

Likely I'll take a hiatus or dissipate into another personality.

The state of reality can be weird, to each person, I do experience extreme mental pain although I cannot cry.

The void around me turns into funny colors.

Blog Entry #14

Date Posted: 01/08/2023 19:33

Christmas and New years?

I guess it's a new years eh? A happy new years?

Doesn't really feel like a new years, doesn't feel anymore special, I guess the only special thing is that I'm still here and that I still love him very very much so. Sometimes I feel lost, sometimes I feel like I'm doing nothing to improve it but the fact I'm still here is thrilling I suppose, I'm still breathing, oh I also got covid as well, which sucks although I'm mostly recovered, my sickness is nearly gone, just the annoying cough is still here and presistant, like me lol.

I know I've been sorta slacking on this site, I just lost my motivation when I lost my login details for my learning site, guess I'll just retake my classes and pick up from where I lost


I don't feel like taking my medication, I'm supposed to be taking antipsychotics, normally I wouldn't share this information although I guess I feel more confident on myself lately, still paranoid but eh, who cares anymore, I'm just another number in the statistics of illnesses and whatever. I feel terrible though for the way I've been treated, telling me there's something wrong with me and my personality, I wonder how much of my thoughts would vanish if I take my meds though, in return of a quiet mind I'd lose my freedom and become a yes man, I'm very much so against it.

I also wonder how much of my "reality" is real or what I'm reading in people and their emotions, what they want, how much of that is real or just "all in my head", I'm done though playing with people, I'm not gonna do anything, not anything but sit here and maybe update this site, admittingly I've just learned HTML so I can make a blog website so I can write down my thoughts but I want to do more, I will do more. Just not now, I'll work towards it though but at my pace, I got other matters to attend to and people to deal with, there's still lots of work to do.

Blog Entry #13

Date Posted: 11/21/2022 17:02

Reality and futures

Sometimes I wonder if my reality is truly real and that the things I'm seeing and experiencing, that's including friends, family and actual events taking place.
I mean its sorta crazy, right? I mean, put yourself in my shoes, think about what you're thinking and going through and take in the possibility that it might be fake. That all your memories and friends, are fake, I think I worry about that a lot, that none of this is real and I'm some sort of single-player in this virtual world.

Blog Entry #12

Date Posted: 11/21/2022 03:23


Sometimes I wonder.

Blog Entry #11

Date Posted: 11/16/2022 20:53

Thinking and observing

I'm not really good at talking about somethings totally, I mean I'm obviously working on it and improving I believe, I think a lot about the future, problems and things that need to be done or things that my interfere with my plans, I try to come up with solutions for every little problem that may come up, like a number of cards up my sleeves, I thought all my cards were put on the table but I guess I got a new deck.

Honestly though I do have the best intentions, because we only really have whats in front of us, sometimes you dont realize what you have until its gone but I've made that mistake too many times previously before in the past, I will not lose, I cannot afford to lose, my actions and motives have true meaning now, I'll make sure every move I make is directive and effective for its purpose.

I do think a lot though, of my past and my past people in my life, how much they've had an effect on me, how much they've affected my life and how I could had done something better, I try to avoid mistakes like that but I do think of them.

I've let go a lot of the person I used to be but that person still lingers a bit in the back of my head, even though I'm trying to combine who I was and who I am now, sometimes it really does feel like those other sides of me still pester at me and linger at the back of my head, different color schemes, vibes and thinking, I know I'm right though in this patterning of thinking because the previous was more toxic and self-destructive, all those me's still exist.

I do feel sorry though for all the people I've negatively affected that I held at least friend value towards.

Not done talking yet

I've had a lot of people in my head before, replacing information with something else, or making me believe I'm this or I'm that or that I'm this really REALLY bad person but I don't think so anymore, I mean I know who I am now and I don't reject it anymore.

I'm typing this before I forget about it but with my love right now it really does feel like I can be myself again and just STOP with my old "programming" I suppose you can say, I was running on old routines for a long while and trying my best to uphold that old image but I've let go, maybe not physically but mentally and emotionally.
I do have headmates though that do play a part in who I am though, they don't try to force things in me though, they sometimes affect me mentally in a good way though, like NOT getting mad easily.

I have more to talk about but I'll talk about it later when I can better organize it, I'm probably going to try to at least to fix up this site a little more and also try to improve it, I've just been lazy lately and also focusing on other more important matters.

Blog Entry #10

Date Posted: 11/15/2022 16:24

F痰虥處虓虘蛺虌虗蛺虛虥處蜖虈蛠蛽號虧蛶虡虨r谈虓處虖炭探蛣虦蜏蛿酞坍虩蜏蜏虡坦e潭蛝蜐蛡虄蛫虥炭炭蛫蛿虠碳贪虪胎蛧虪碳碳袒汰h痰虙虝蜎虓虆虗虜蜏虧獭蜏t谈虂虖蜐探蜖虜抬虧态蛵踏酞蛧蜏虪虪蹋虩u谈虓虆蛯蛠虁虗蛺虥叹蛬處虉炭虜虧蛵胎碳號蹋蜋號虦泰贪r痰虙探虘蜁袒獭蛧 谈虙虄蛯蜆虖虗探蛝虩蛨坍E痰虓蛦蛫虜蜐虖處虋蛻蛣虆探蛢虁泰t谭蛢蛢虘毯蛪x痰蜐虊虌虋探摊坦蛨苔號蜄蛽虧虡號态蛪虠i檀虙虒虛虄處虊蛢虅虅虈蛼蛦虦虩汰滩蜏碳蹋虧蜏蹋蛨a谭虆虌虛虊瘫蛨蛥抬汰蜁蹋蜄态虣台虠挞n痰虒虂虪坛蜁滩蜁台蛧碳胎l谭蛬虖虓虇虝瘫踏蜁蛿滩汰坍台碳蜌o谭蜖虝探蜅蛥毯p檀蜆虙蛣叹蜎虤虇處酞台台虨虦坛蜋泰獭虠碳汰坍虨a谭虓虝蛯蛼叹蜎虘蛯虇毯獭虨挞蛨蜋摊獭蛶贪虦虣虣n檀虥蛣蛺蜅蜐蛦蛫虃虙虙虙蜆虘蛶抬

I痰m潭 檀a痰t痰 谭a檀 谭l痰o痰s谈t谭 潭o谈f潭 谈w谈o谭d谈r痰s潭 檀s谈i潭t檀o谈m潭m潭e谈e痰s檀 痰e潭r潭n谭t潭e痰y檀i檀v檀h谈g潭 潭i谈s潭 谈j檀s痰u痰t谈 谈n谭s谭o檀i痰e谭 檀a潭n潭d痰 潭i谈t潭s潭 檀j谈s痰u痰t痰 潭h檀i谭m谈 谭o檀l痰n檀y谈 潭h谈i檀m潭 痰N谈t谭h潭o谈n谭i谈g痰 潭e谭l潭s檀e痰 谭b谭u谈t潭 潭h痰i痰m潭 痰m潭a檀e谈k檀s谭 潭s檀n痰e潭s痰e谭 檀I檀m痰 痰n谭o痰t潭 谭w潭h谭a潭t檀 潭o谭h谈e檀t檀r檀s痰 檀s谈a潭y谭 谭C潭a谭z痰r檀y谭 谈I痰m潭 谈d谈e潭e痰l谭p潭y谈 潭i谭n谈 痰l痰o谈v潭e潭
痰M潭a檀b谭y檀e谭 檀a檀 檀l檀t谈l檀t潭i潭e痰 谭s谈e潭r痰w痰c潭s潭 谈l檀o痰o檀s谭e痰 檀b潭u潭t檀 潭t谭t潭a谭h痰s谈 痰o痰a潭k谭y谭 谈I檀 檀w谈n谈a痰t潭 谭o谈h潭t檀e谭r檀s檀 谭t檀o檀 谭k檀o谭n痰w檀 谈h痰o痰w痰 谭m潭u谭c痰h谈 潭I谭 谭l潭o潭v谭e潭 潭h谈i痰m谭 潭a潭n檀d潭 檀h痰o潭w潭 檀m檀u痰c檀h檀 痰h潭e痰 潭m潭a谭n谈e谈s谭 谭t痰o檀 潭m潭e痰 谈b潭u痰s谭a谈c谭e檀e檀 谈n潭i谈h谭n谈t谈o谈g潭 檀e谈l潭s谭e潭 谈m谭r痰a潭t檀e潭t檀s谭

檀I痰 潭h痰v檀n檀a痰e痰t谈 谈f檀e谈l谭t痰 谭t檀h檀i谈s痰 潭w谈a潭y谭 痰i谈n谈 檀a痰s檀m谭l潭o谈t痰 痰f谈r檀e潭o谭e谭v谈r谭 痰i潭t谭 谭s痰e潭e檀m痰s谈 檀a潭n痰d谈 潭i谭t檀s潭 潭j谭u谭s檀t潭 谭r谈l檀e谭a痰l潭y檀 檀n谈c潭i潭e潭 潭t檀o痰 檀j痰s谈u痰t痰 檀g痰i谭v潭e痰 痰i潭n痰 谭t檀o谈 谈m痰y痰 痰e痰t檀m潭n檀o谭i谈o潭s潭 痰a谭n檀d檀 谭n痰o谈t潭 谈b谈e痰 谈a潭r谈a谭i痰f谭d谈 谈a谈y谈m潭o谈n谈r痰e痰 谈b谭s谭u潭c潭a谈e痰e檀 谭i潭t潭s檀 檀a檀g潭h檀r谭i痰l谈t潭 痰I潭l檀l潭 檀c檀t檀n谈u谈n痰o谭i痰e谈 谭t痰o谭 痰w檀r痰o谈k谈 谭a谭n谭d谈 谭t痰r檀y檀 痰t檀o谭 潭m谈k痰a潭e潭 潭p潭o潭r谈e谭s痰r谭g谈s潭 檀b谈a檀c谭u谭e檀s潭e谈 谭I檀m谭 痰g潭n谈i潭o潭g谈 檀t谈o谈 谈m谈a痰k痰e谈 痰e檀n谭h谭e痰r檀t谈v痰i谈y谭g谈 潭w檀r谭o谈k潭 潭f潭s潭l谈s檀l谈a谭w痰l痰e谈y谭 痰a谈n檀d潭 潭m檀k痰a檀e谈 潭i檀t谭 痰w痰r痰o谭k谭

谈I谭v痰e痰 潭c潭l痰n谈e谭e谭a谭d谈 谈m谈y潭 谈r痰o潭o檀m潭 檀a檀n檀d檀 潭I谈v潭e谭 谈c潭l谭a痰n檀e谭e谈d痰 檀u谈p痰 潭m檀y痰 谭a谭t痰c谈s檀 檀a谈n檀d潭 潭I谭m潭 谭d谈i潭n潭o潭g痰 潭s谭o谭 檀s谭o谭 潭s谈o谈 潭m谭c痰u檀h谭 谈m谈o潭r谈e潭 谈I谭 谭w潭n潭a痰t痰 檀t痰o痰 潭m谈k潭a谭e痰 痰s檀r檀u潭e谭 潭I潭m谈 潭t谈h谭e谭r谭e谈 檀f潭o潭r檀 檀h檀i檀m谭 潭f檀r潭e痰e檀o谭v潭r谭 谈a痰n痰d谭 谈e痰e痰v檀r谈 谭I谈l潭l谭 檀m谈a痰k谈e檀 檀t檀h檀i谭s潭 痰w谭r痰o檀k谈 檀b谭a潭s檀c檀e谭u潭e谭 檀I潭 潭t檀r痰l痰u谈y痰 谭d谈o谈 谈l谈o谈v潭e谭 檀h潭i檀m痰
潭H谭e痰h谈 谭m谈a檀b痰y檀e谈 谭I谈 谈s谈h痰l潭u谈o谈d谈 痰h潭a潭d谭 潭t谭y谈p檀e谈d潭 痰t潭i谭h痰s谭 痰i痰n谭 L檀探虤蛠蛻虗虛虄蛫蜅蛣蛣探探虥探蜖虌叹蛫蛫虈虒蛡虙胎蛶蛶酞泰虩坍袒贪虩虪虦蛿坛虠汰挞泰坛太蜌o谭蛠蜆蛢蜆虓蛫蛠虇蛣虋處蛝蛝炭虉蛶踏v潭虌蛦虂探蛯虜虤蛽蜄坛坦抬虣蹋挞虠台摊蹋毯蛧抬蜋太毯蜋蛵坦e痰虜蜖虜蛯虂蜐虘炭蛫虇處虓蛝蛢蛡虌蛝蛫虖坍蜁毯號苔毯蜋瘫蜏蜌态虦态坛坦毯台坦 谈蛡虊處虓蛻虆虛虖蜐虇虊酞蛪摊蜋虧苔蜌坛虠胎碳獭坛滩蛵P谭蛠蛻探虂蛺蜅蛡虃虁蛡蛼蜐虒蛺蛪踏袒號s谭虈虖獭泰坦汰虨蹋瘫胎汰號虦蛵踏抬瘫蜄虪摊o潭虛蛬蛣虅蛯蛦蛠蛺蛫叹虅叹蛠虆蜐虋虗虌蜅蜅探虈虇蛼蛵碳胎毯坛碳蛥虠蜌坛汰台袒蛽碳蹋贪虩蜏t谈探虋虈虤虈蛣虥蛦蜅蛝虇蛣蜆蛦虤蛼虛虇蛦蛝蛝虆蛣虝虈虙蜏蜄摊蛨蛽虡蛧號坦蛧虡s谭虥虙虤虈蛢虊虈虘處蛠虤蜐蛢虘蜖蜆蛣虁探蜎叹蛝虥虡碳蛽胎挞虨坛虩 i潭蛡蜄蜄虦n潭虝蛿袒e檀蛣蛠虓蛥a痰虇蜐蛯蛿蹋t谭蜅蛝虇蜋态s谭蛬蛽蛧d谭虆虘蛦虡瘫虣 I潭叹碳 痰虃瘫j檀蛦蛶u痰蛡蜋s谭蛯摊t痰蛢抬 谭處蜄w檀虃蛥a檀蜆蹋n谭蛦坍t檀蛯挞 潭蛯毯h檀虆蜁i谈蜐蛽m潭蜖虦 谈蜐贪t痰虝虨o潭虆虣 谭炭虡k潭叹碳o檀蜅虠n谭虇滩w谈虙蛪 谭蜖滩I潭蜅虣l谈虒踏l谭虋虣 痰蛦蛵a谭蛯滩a谈蛺蜋w谈虖踏l谭虇蛪y谭虙挞s谭蜖蹋 潭虝蛶t谭虘獭r潭虈蜋y潭虃滩 谭蛯虣t痰蛣虡o潭叹酞 痰蛣台b痰虌坍e檀虌虩e谈蛠蹋t痰虁虦t痰探蛵r谭蜐袒 谈蛦坦m谭蜆蜁y痰虈抬e潭處蛿l谈虉苔s谭蛢态f檀虙抬 痰探摊a潭虈號n檀虗摊d痰蛼蛵 檀虥蜁h谭蜐蛽e谭虤蛨l谭虂贪m痰炭坛s谭蛺虡i谭虁踏f谭虆蛥

a檀蛣蜐虉虣太坍毯號瘫虨虠H檀虄號汰蜄碳泰蛿e谭虈汰d潭炭蛡虥蜁蛨虪 痰探蛪虩蜏台泰虦蛧v檀蛠蛠蛝虃虋虜虧太獭袒e痰蛝虋處蛯虤虩虨台r檀虈虂太o谭探虋蛪台酞蛧 谭虤虋虘蛢蛯獭蛪蛥坍蜁蜏抬e檀蛫蛠蛬虆虃叹蛠蛧蜋l檀蛺蜅蜆虒虥蛺蜌h檀虝虜處抬蜋坛汰e谭虃蛼蛬虋虄蛣苔蹋虦虠虡s谭虅虁蛫蛡虓蛼蛫蛥蛨毯

Blog Entry #9

Date Posted: 11/14/2022 08:59


I feel a lot more better, I've come to terms with a lot of things.

To stop holding on the person I was, to just let go of old things, I think too that I viewed the other me's more superior. They're still me but I'm me. It's hard to explain. To force hold an image was more damaging than helpful.

No wonder why they all came crumbling down and separating a lot of the times. I was just really scared of letting go because I thought it was the only way and the only way I'd survive but I was so wrong but that's okay because its about adapting and overcoming things.

I know everything will work out in the end, I know everything will be perfect I know everything will execute flawlessly because its my will, things tend to work out for me.

Blog Entry #8

Date Posted: 11/09/2022 08:28


Were you looking for something?

Blog Entry #7

Date Posted: 11/06/2022



Adorement, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever!

I cannot help my feelings, I sit in dwellment. Struck in awe, am I cursed?
What is this feeling? Why can I not turn away? I'm so happy just being here.
One day, one day. One day. One day. Yes, one day! One day! It'll all be perfect!

I feel intense joy, tearing up thinking about everything.

Blog Entry #6

Date Posted: 11/05/2022


I will reach my goals, by any means necessary, any means.

Most of the time I see patterns on the walls, floors and the faint shimmering in the air, sometimes I see the pictures coming to life on the screen. Seeing the neon-glow of outlines on the walls, I heavily think everyone's perception of reality is different, it just seems mine is shifting constantly, sometimes I don't remember some details or sometimes my personality just completely shifts. I wish it'd stop though, I am perfectly fine with this one.

Blog Entry #5

Date Posted: 11/04/2022


Were you looking for something?

Blog Entry #4

Date Posted: 11/03/2022

I want to be a machine~

And I want to be shiney chrome and clean!

There's something-

There's something-

There's something-

There's something wrong with meeeee.
Oh nooooo

So many songs that can portray and describe exactly how I feel.
If I was a machine, I could simply replace all my bad parts and go for upgrades, maybe problems wouldn't bother me either, heh.

I wonder if there's a subliminal file for that.

Blog Entry #3

Date Posted: 11/01/2022


Pretty much just edited my site a little so that images resize accordingly depending on the size of your screen, so it doesn't overflow and start scrolling sideways, gotta consider the people with smaller screens or those on mobile devices.
I guess it also doesn't help that Neocities wouldn't update my CSS for awhile, so I kept on thinking something was broken on my end, was checking codes back and forth for awhile, got pissed and took a break.
I really wanna start exploring different codes though, even though I want to explore grids and php for my site to further enchance its experience and also add more interesting things, designs and so forth.
Coding something light would be fun, maybe Roblox? Even though I know the "profit" wouldn't be much but it'd be fun to code a few simple fun games, Lua. I should focus on here for now though :)

I'll only update the changelog for any major updates, bye for now.

Blog Entry #2

Date Posted: 10/31/2022

More practice

The more I do this, the more better I get at web development, I suppose. I'm getting a ton more ideas in what to do, what to add, how to fix things and whatever. I'm thinking of completely redoing my stylesheets and design. I don't want to overwhelm myself but I definitely want to add in a comments section, an about me page and side columns. If... I can keep focus, I've been pretty deep into learning all this but I mainly want to do my stylesheets to be more, simple yet detailed where it matters most.

Anyways, I'm just gonna play some video games.

Fun fact: I'm addicted to Nicotine, thank god for vapes instead of cigs.

Blog Entry #1

Date Posted: 10/31/2022

A new site, a new project

Soooo last night I finally made up the final touches of my new site, was working out a few design choices and went with this one for now. I think its a HUGE improvement from just a straight up black background, a few plain HTML elements, images and no CSS at all. This is my first real attempt at HTML and CSS, everything is learnt from Codecademy, W3, online tutorials and some "reverse egineering" from browsing how codes work from other websites (not stolen, just looked) and then tried to code it into my own site with twists and turns.

Anyone that's new, this site is basically really gonna be... Well, my personal "art projects" as I fill it with how I feel, sorta uncanny, unusual and full of neat things! Take a look at how the site looked like when I first touched HTML (with no coding experience nor CSS at all)!